Monday, December 20, 2010

Art Space

Who doesn't have a love for photography? I always find myself driving, or walking somewhere wishing I either had a camera with me, or that time would just stop long enough for me to catch something. Not to mention, the people I'd walk up to and say "Hey, keep doing what you're doing, I just want to take a picture of it" would probably think I was strange.

One morning, a man was driving behind me smoking a cigarette minding his own business, but he had a bird on his shoulder. Just hangin out. The view from my rear view mirror made it even better...Wish I could have caught that on camera.

These are a few of photos I took this year. I thought they were pretty special.

The leaves had all fallen from the trees, but my rose bushes were still blooming.

I took this picture one Sunday when the sun was going down

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